We are an exciting innovative lesbian and gay mental health charity based in East London. ELOP was established around 1995 as a grassroots developed and community-led organisation with the aim to promote the mental health, wellbeing, empowerment and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities. Since its inception, ELOP has been providing over 14 years of information, advice, advocacy, counselling and support services, plus other social and community activities and events to north and east London’s LGBT communities.
ELOP operates a holistic approach and believes that one area of health and well-being, whether this be mental, psychological, emotional, physical, social or even community, can not really be fully achieved or maintained without recognition or the opportunity for all the concerns of our ‘whole self’ to be addressed. By having a range of services ELOP is able to refer those using one service into another for additional support, information or advice as appropriate.
In addition to operating direct community frontline services ELOP also delivers second-tier work which includes providing information, training, consultancy and support to statutory and voluntary sector policy makers, managers, service providers and their staff teams.

ELOP Core Services include:
Advice and Information
Community Safety and Victim Care Services
LGBT Community Activities, Events & Workshops
Sexual Health Promotion
Support and Advocacy
Training, Consultancy, Research and Representation
Young People’s Services ‘Youth Out East’
Volunteering Opportunities and Student Placements
From 26th February we will also operate a community hub where people can drop-in for refreshments, access information, meet other people and have some fun.

Registered Charity No.: 1067474
A Company Limited by Guarantee No.: 3355423
ELOP – East London Out Project
Registered Office: 56-60 Grove Road, Walthamstow, London
E17 9BN |